Post # 11: Challenges in your discipline.
Write about important challenges your discipline is currently facing, connected to each of the following areas:- Technology- Social Matters- Education- Define the challenges- Say how you think they should be resolved in each case- Mention the critical issues involved in each area- Word Count: 350- Leave comments on 2 of your classmates’ posts.
I think that as obstetricians, we have a lot of challenges connected with different areas.
In technology for example, there are many ways to do an ultrasound. Because you can get images in 2D or 3D (two or three dimensions), and with this you can see if the baby comes healthy or not.
You can see with this how is the baby, which is their position and if there is any development problem and see the opportunity to save him.
And for the mather there are many ways now to have his baby safely and without abdominal scars. So, today womens could be satisfied with their bodies and keep going a normal life after the delivery. And this is because, with technology have increased the prevention measures and the importance of the aesthetics. Womans now can use after a delivery a bikini for example, cause the scares aren't as great as before. In fact, actually there is laser surgery that prevents the scars on the skin.
If we talk about our challenges in social matters, we as obstetricians have the opportunity and the responsibility to guide the community in several respects. We must guide the community to have a healthy sexual life and to prevent the diseases (STDs). This will avoid the abortion or the misbirths and promoting the life.
Other challenge is the economic situation of the mothers, so now in the primary health centers there are many benefits to them. The obstetrician besides make birth control, give woman the opportunity to talk with a social asistent. Mothers can have dental benefits and milk delivery.
And in education, this professional can teach the community in things like:
- family planning
- disease preventions
- The use of birth control pills
- The correct way to breastfeed
- The correct way to use condoms
- The correct use of contraceptives
So i think that as obstreticians, we have many areas connected with the education, technology and saocial matters to do god things for the community. And it will depend of how we do the different changes to improve health care.
A brief essay
Hace 15 años
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