Post # 6: The best in your area
In your opinion, who is the best in your field?Tell me what you think.Say:Who she/he is,What she/he has done, Why you like her/him.Explain what makes her/him the best.Please find some examples of her/his work in images and post them too.About 150 words please.
I read abaout a doctor called Víctor Manuel Gazitúa Guzmán, in the magazine, Chilean Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The article saids that he won the best prize of clinical work during the 2006, by the Chilean Society of Obstetric and Ginecology (Sochog).
This work consist in features of weight, gestational age, and kind of delivery of newborns in the public and private system.
The investigation was maked in the Guillermo Grant Benavente Hospital of Concepción and the French Clinic of Concepción, Chile.
This work allowed to install the University Center of Woman, whose duty is to educate the community, especially womens about the natural delivery.
The objective is to promove this kind of delivery, and this way decrease the high rate of cesarean deliverys in the country.
The award ceremony was maked on July 17 of 2006, in the German Clinic. There were all the winners of clinical works presented during the 2006 for the magazine, Chilean Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
I think that the cllinical work of the doctor Víctor Manuel Gazitúa Guzmán it's very important to prevent any complications on delivery. It haves the advantage of promove the natural delivery and educate the womens to have this fisiological process in a healthy way.
A brief essay
Hace 15 años
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