I enjoy visiting the website http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?pid=0717-7526&script=sci_serial because, there is the version online of the "Revista Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecologia".
My boyfriend is doing his tesis for his career, so he told me about this website, and i'm glad for that, because it help me very much.
He found the website looking for fisical excercises to do a pregnated womens, because they need fisical terapy to have her babys in the best conditions. And my boyfriend likes very much this fisiology process of women.
He told me about this website, to do my works and learn much about the different technicals of obstetrics.
In the articles of this magazine, there are a lot of progress of medicine about my carrer.
The magazine it's published by the Obstetric & Ginecology's Chilean Society and his mission it's give information through clinical and basic investigations.
Also, the magazine publics investigation's works made by professional with specific speciality.
It edit six number every year and the articles are published too by LILACS, Ulrich's, and Consejo de Barcelona.
I often use the acces to the articles, because i'm not paying for read it.
In the diferent articles there are very things that i have to investigate in my career to do homeworks and activitys.
A brief essay
Hace 15 años
thanks, for the info!
ResponderEliminarI have heard of the web scielo,
and of the magazine too..
but thanks for the link..
is more easy to get info